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News & Events

open day

Women In Construction - Take Your First Steps Into Construction

Join us at The Skills Centre in Canada Water for this fantastic opportunity to explore construction and get some hands-on experience.

open day

Over 50s Open Day - Take Your First Steps Into Construction

Join us at The Skills Centre in Canada Water for this fantastic opportunity to explore construction and get some hands-on experience.


Maximising the CITB Employer Network

An event for construction and building services organisations - join The Skills Centre and CITB / CITB Wales to hear more about the newly-formed CITB Employer Network, and how it can benefit your business.

Interior Systems

Webinar: The Skills Centre & FIS - Addressing the skills shortage in the Finishes and Interiors Sector

Join this free webinar with The Skills Centre and FIS to hear how the two are collaborating with local employers on new training programmes to meet skills demand across the Finishes and Interiors sector.

The latest
Pre-employment course

Pre-Employment Learners Reflect On Their Experience


Samuel's Bootcamp Experience

Skills for life skills bootcamps
Skills Funding Agency
Mayors Construction Academy
West Midlands Combined Authority