Type Health & Safety Languages 28 Languages Duration 25 minutes

Our Drug & Alcohol Awareness course helps your employees to recognise the indicators of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as the appropriate steps that should be taken to deal with it.


Our RoSPA approved, CPD accredited Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training equips employers, managers, and employees with the knowledge to identify the signs of substance abuse.

You will also learn about the effects that substance abuse has on physical & mental health, the impact within the workplace, and the legal responsibilities associated with it.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a stronger understanding of the negative effects of drugs & alcohol
  • Understand your responsibilities regarding drugs and alcohol.
  • Learn how to combat the problem through people and policies.

Course Structure

This training course is broken down into 3 sections.

  1. The Problem with Drugs and Alcohol

  2. The Effects that Drugs and Alcohol Can Have on Health

  3. People and Policies

Course Overview

Every year thousands of lives are ruined by alcohol and drug abuse. It causes suffering to your health, as well as your private and work life.

In the UK, thousands of people seek treatment every year for drug and alcohol abuse. Substance dependency is a serious problem which damages the health and relationships of the user. It also causes a knock-on effect which impacts taxpayers and society as a whole.

The total cost to employers is as many as 17 million lost working days every year, with over £6 billion lost in productivity. Not to mention treatment for alcohol and drug-related health issues (or injuries) creates more problems for the already overstretched NHS.

Just one person in the workplace affected by drugs or alcohol can put everyone at risk. This course helps to raise awareness of substance abuse so that it can be addressed before it becomes a problem at work.

This eLearning course only provides awareness education. Face to face training is also a requirement to be fully equipped with the practical skills and knowledge to carry this forward in your organisation.

Available in 28 languages


Machine translated* content is included for free with all of our popular courses.

It covers LMS navigation, course transcripts and test questions. If you don't see a course listed in the language you require, just let us know.

*Content which is not English may be machine translated and is for assistive purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of translations.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness certificate

All of our courses end with a multiple-choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness concludes with a 20-question multiple choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, short in-course questionnaires will guide you through the sections of the training, which are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum engagement throughout.

As well as printable user certificates, training progress and results are all stored centrally in your LMS (Learning Management System). This can be accessed at any time to reprint certificates, check & set pass marks, and serve as proof of commitment to ongoing legal compliance.

What does my certificate include?

Your Drug & Alcohol Awareness Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.

Please note, if you are using our course content via SCORM in a third party LMS, then we are unable to provide certificates and you will need to generate these yourself in your host LMS.

Why is Drug & Alcohol Awareness Important?

It's important that you comply with the law and know the ways in which it affects you and the way you work.

The Misuse of Drugs Act creates three classes of controlled substances - A, B and C. There are different penalties relayed to each class, for illegal or unlicensed possession, and possession with intent to supply.

(1) Subject to any regulations under section 7 of this Act for the time being in force, it shall not be lawful for a person to have a controlled drug in his possession. (2) Subject to section 28 of this Act and to subsection (4) below, it is an offence for a person to have a controlled drug in his possession in contravention of subsection (1) above. (3) Subject to section 28 of this Act, it is an offence for a person to have a controlled drug in his possession, whether lawfully or not, with intent to supply it to another in contravention of section 4(1) of this Act. (4) In any proceedings for an offence under subsection (2) above in which it is proved that the accused had a controlled drug in his possession, it shall be a defence for him to prove — (a) that, knowing or suspecting it to be a controlled drug, he took possession of it for the purpose of preventing another from committing or continuing to commit an offence in connection with that drug and that as soon as possible after taking possession of it he took all such steps as were reasonably open to him to destroy the drug or to deliver it into the custody of a person lawfully entitled to take custody of it; or (b) that, knowing or suspecting it to be a controlled drug, he took possession of it for the purpose of delivering it into the custody of a person lawfully entitled to take custody of it and that as soon as possible after taking possession of it he took all such steps as were reasonably open to him to deliver it into the custody of such a person. Section 5 - Restriction of possession of controlled drugs

Benefits to Your Business

In England, there are over 40,000 hospital admissions every year for drug and alcohol-related mental health or behavioural disorders. Substance misuse has an enormous impact on private lives, personal relationships, and even places of work.

Drugs and alcohol contribute to lost working days and reduced productivity, costing as much as £6 billion annually. This doesn’t include the added strain upon the NHS.

Poor decisions, impaired judgement, and reduced awareness can cause injuries. Only one person needs to become affected by drugs or alcohol to put everyone within an organisation at risk.

This course will make your workplace safer, increase productivity, and save money by educating employees on the effects of drugs & alcohol.